Blues Clues What Was Blues Dream About Credits

"What Was Blue's Dream About?" is the sixth episode of Blue's Clues from the second season. It was the twenty-sixth episode to be produced and the twenty-eighth to be aired.


  • Question: What Was Blue's Dream About?
  • Clues:
    • 1. A Leotard
    • 2. A Mat
    • 3. A Rolling Motion
  • Answer: Gymnastics
  • Wrong Answer: A leotard that rolled up in a mat and took a nap.
  • Living room picture: A dream cloud (Snail appeared in the dream cloud during the Mailtime song)
  • Skidoo location: Book: Sleeping Beauty's dream


The Blue's Clues gang explains what dreams they had in their sleep, in addition to playing Blue's Clues to find out what Blue's dream was about. In this episode, we explore the dreams of the various characters. We also learn that if you try hard enough, sometimes you can change your dream. That way, if you are scared by something, you can make it go away. Additionally, we find out that if you try hard enough, sometimes dreams can come true. Also, they skidoo in a book and help Sleeping Beauty make her dream if a party turns out peachy.


Steve invites us in, saying that he had a dream he wants to tell us about. In his dream, he was wearing sunglasses playing the guitar in front of a crowd. He played well and when he was done, everyone applauded. As they continue in the episode, they learn about the dreams of some of the other characters as well. Blue had a dream. Steve tries to guess and thought Blue was a famous singer and that he was her guitar player. But that was not it. So, they play a game of Blue's Clues. Steve dreams the paw print away. Then he goes to Sidetable Drawer who dreamt that she had a fancy notebook for Steve. Steve thought that was a great dream, but he liked his notebook just fine. Steve explains how to play Blue's Clues and began their search in the bedroom.

The viewers saw a clue when Steve thought he should tie his shoe. He sits on the bed and ties his shoe and then he sees an article of clothing that was pink, and it did not belong to him. But it has Blue's paw print on it, and it was the first clue. The first clue was a leotard. Steve draws the first clue in his notebook. But he needed to collect two more clues. Steve enters the bathroom to meet up with Slippery Soap, who tells Steve about his dream. In his dream, he had a ball, which he threw into a net. They figure out that he was playing basketball. He then tells us that he changed his dream. After he changed it, he was wearing a mask and had flippers... he was swimming. Finally, he changed it one more time. This time, he had superpowers, a cape, and antennae. He was Super Slippery.

Next, they hear snoring. So, Steve goes to investigate it and finds a felt friend. He sees that he is dreaming and silently watch as he dreams about winning a running race. Steve lets him continue dreaming, but as he slowly backs up accidentally, he tripped over and fell onto the floor. "Oops!" he says. Then, Steve sees a clue on the thing he tripped on a mat. But he once again thinks his shoelaces need to be re-tied, but as it turns out, he is alright. Steve draws the second clue in his notebook. So far, Steve has two clues: a leotard and a mat. Steve gets a call from Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper. They are with Paprika, who is sleeping. As they try not to disturb her, they learn that they each had dreams about what Paprika's going to be when she grows up. In Mr. Salt's daydream, Paprika was in a huge kitchen, was surrounded by food, and had on a white, puffy hat. She was a cook or a chef. In Mrs. Pepper's dream, Paprika was taking lots of funny pictures of Mr. Salt and her with a camera; she was a picture-taker or a photographer. Then, they look into Paprika's dreams and find out that she is dreaming about becoming a singer.

At Mailtime, Mailbox told Steve that he had a dream that he delivered him a letter, and his dream came true. In the video letter, a girl, her grandma, and her friend made a dream catcher. In the Blue Skidoo segment, they explore Sleeping Beauty's dream. She wanted to dream about a party, but instead, she has dreamed up all sorts of scary things. So, by observing the things, they help to change them into party things - making a scary monster into a cake, some strange trees moving in the wind into balloons, and a menacing rickety fence into party hats. After all that, Sleeping Beauty was happy and started singing. Steve and Blue joined in. After that, Blue and Steve Skidoo back home.

Suddenly, Steve performed a roll as he came out of the book. And so did a paw print, which appears out of nowhere Steve figures out that the rolling motion was the third clue. Steve was not sure how to draw it. So, he decides to draw a curve that goes around. After that, Steve sits in the thinking chair and tries to figure out how to put all three clues together. The clues were a leotard, a mat, and a rolling motion. Steve thought Blue had a dream about a leotard that rolled up in a mat and took a nap. But that was not it. So, Steve thought Blue could wear the leotard and roll on the mat. Steve figured out Blue had a dream about doing gymnastics. They just figured out Blue's Clues. So, Blue gave it a try just like in her dream. Slippery Soap, Mr. Salt, Mrs. Pepper, Paprika, and Sleeping Beauty came to watch. Blue had her leotard put on and started rolling on the mat. The group as judges gave Blue a "10". Finally, Sleeping Beauty tells Steve that she, Blue, and the others want to act out his dream. Then Steve acts out his dream and it becomes time for the "So Long Song". Steve (who acts out his dream) plays his guitar and he sings the "So Long Song". As we exit the house, the episode ends with Steve predicting Blue doing gymnastics in the Olympics and winning several gold medals with the help of her guitar player.


  • Blue
  • Steve (North America)
  • Kevin (United Kingdom)
  • Duarte (Portugal)
  • HyunShup Shin (South Korea)
  • Sidetable Drawer
  • Mailbox
  • Mr. Salt
  • Mrs. Pepper
  • Paprika
  • Slippery Soap
  • Felt Friends
    • Freddy
    • Fifi (cameo in Freddy's dream)
  • Sleeping Beauty (debut)
  • Cake Monster
  • Picket Fence (Angry Rickety Fence only appearance)

Video Releases

  • Blue's Big Pajama Party (VHS, 1999)
  • Big, Blue, and Just for You! Volume 3 (VHS, 1999)


Watch Episode

This episode is available for streaming on Paramount Global's video streaming service Paramount+.



  • Steve's friends include Louise Anderson (original airing only), a relative of content consultant Dr. Dan Anderson (not this episode), Danna Rosenthal, a relative of future animator Tatia Rosenthal, and Taylor Smith (later airings), a relative of one of the writers of this episode, Michael Smith.
  • This is the first episode to have Sidetable Drawer's 1998-2001 design. However, Sidetable's 1996-1998 design was used again for Blue's ABCs, Math! and Blue's Birthday episodes until the 1998-2001 design was continuously used starting in What Does Blue Want To Do With Her Picture?
  • The music clip from the closing credits is reused in Blue's Big Musical.
  • The dream versions of Paprika and Slippery Soap appear in the closing credits.
    • Slippery Soap will appear a lot more often in the credits starting in late Season 4.
  • In the Skidoo segment, Blue and Steve help Sleeping Beauty change some scary objects in her dream; they change a monster into a three-layer cake, three trees into balloons, and three pointy fence posts into guests with party hats.
    • Also, when Sleeping Beauty backed into Steve, the monster came in, and the trees first blew in the wind, she screams quickly. But she did not scream at the fence posts because she knew what to do and that it was her dream, and she could change it whenever.
  • This was the ninth episode to use the usual "No, it's a clue" line from Adventures in Art.
  • This episode is available as the second of two episodes on the VHS release of Blue's Big Pajama Party.
  • Dreamcatchers are an ancient Native American custom featured in one of the Video Letter segments.
  • After Steve sings The So Long Song, you can hear him pretend to be a gymnastics sportscaster as the door closes and Blue waves goodbye to the viewers.
  • In the Mailtime Segment, Mailbox says that he had a dream about giving Steve a letter and it came true.
  • In the Duarte version, the Mailtime Song footage was almost the same as in Blue Wants to Play a Song Game.
  • There were two versions in The Mailtime Segment.
    • The first version (as shown on earlier airings on TV) has the friends making the dream catchers outside, while the second version (as shown on VHS and later airings on TV) has them making them in a dark bedroom.
    • The second version of the video letter does not begin with "Hi, Steve" and does not end with "bye, Steve". But the first version did this. The first one was directed by Tanya Hamilton for THAT'S A RAP, INC., and the second version was directed by Sarah Chumsky for CATALAND FILMS, INC.
  • In Steve's dream, he played his guitar in front of a crowd, which presumably foreshadowed the music career he started after leaving the series.
  • In airing order, the previous episode was Blue's Birthday and in that episode, Steve had shorter hair, but in this episode, Steve got his long hair back.
  • Also in airing order, this was the last season 2 episode to have Steve give out a wrong answer.
  • In the credits, Blue's 1st action is replaced with Slippery Soap as a superhero soaring across the screen, and Paprika also makes two singing appearances, despite the extremely short duration. The other characters also act faster. This is also the first episode to begin the credits with Blue upside down, which was put to permanent use starting with Pool Party. However, the original airings of the episode had Blue waving goodbye at the very beginning.
  • This is the 26th episode to see Blue and Steve skidoo back home onscreen.
  • This is one of few episodes to have an alternate recording of the Thinking Chair music with drums. The others are What Does Blue Want to Do with Her Picture?, What Does Blue Want to Do on a Rainy Day?, What Game Does Blue Want to Learn?, Blue Is Frustrated, What Is Blue Trying to Do?, Occupations, Steve Goes to College, Blue's Big Car Trip, and Look Carefully...
  • The dream Sleeping Beauty had is called a nightmare, or bad dream, due to the monster, the wind howling while the trees were blowing, and the picket fence with angry looks on their faces and the creaking sound.


  • In the UK version, when Kevin is playing his guitar when Blue is rolling on the mat, he isn't really playing the guitar; his hands remain in the same place while he strums. Also, when he strums, he barely touches the strings.
    • In the Portugal version, Duarte plays it for real, but his guitar is out of tune.
  • Blue howls out the last "Mail" in a very high note and Steve's voice can be heard faintly.
Blue's Clues Season 2
Steve Gets the Sniffles | What Does Blue Want to Build? | Blue's Senses | What Experiment Does Blue Want to Try? | What Does Blue Want to Make Out of Recycled Things? | What Was Blue's Dream About? | Blue's ABCs | Math! | Blue's Birthday | What Does Blue Want to Do with Her Picture? | What Does Blue Want to Do on a Rainy Day? | Blue's Surprise at Two O'Clock | The Lost Episode! | Blue's Sad Day | What Game Does Blue Want to Learn? | What Did Blue See? | Nurture! | Blue Is Frustrated | What Is Blue Trying to Do? | Mechanics!


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